

In future, the FDPIC will charge private data processors for a number of his services.

In addition to the activities already mentioned that are subject to fees (opinions on codes of conduct and data protection impact assessments, and approval of standard contractual clauses and binding corporate data protection rules), the FDPIC will also charge fees in the investigation procedure. In addition, he will charge private data processors for consultancy services. An hourly rate of between CHF150 and CHF250 will be charged depending on the position of the staff providing the service. Surcharges may apply if a service requires an extraordinary effort or is particularly difficult or urgent. The FDPIC may waive fees if the service is in the public interest or required little effort. The processing of complaints is free of charge.

Duty to provide information

The duty to provide information ensures that data processing is transparent and that the data subject’s rights are respected.

Right to information

In accordance with the Federal Act on Data Protection, any person may request information from the controller of a data file as to whether their personal data is being processed.

Data protection officer

Notification of data protection officers (DPO) to the FDPIC pursuant to Art. 10 para. 3 FADP for private persons and Art. 10 para. 4 FADP for federal bodies.

Criminal law

Criminal aspects of breaches of obligations under the FADP.

Last modification 23.07.2024

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