New FDPIC’s role

New FDPIC’s role

The new Federal Act on Data Protection will come into force on 1 September 2023. It introduces changes for data processors and data subjects and provides the FDPIC with additional duties and powers, who will thus intensify his supervisory activities and increase the number of investigations.

Duty to provide information

The duty to provide information ensures that data processing is transparent and that the data subject’s rights are respected.

Right to information

In accordance with the Federal Act on Data Protection, any person may request information from the controller of a data file as to whether their personal data is being processed.

Data protection officer

Notification of data protection officers (DPO) to the FDPIC pursuant to Art. 10 para. 3 FADP for private persons and Art. 10 para. 4 FADP for federal bodies.

Criminal law

Criminal aspects of breaches of obligations under the FADP.

Last modification 23.07.2024

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