
Report of processing activities

Federal bodies are obliged to report entries from the register of processing activities to the FDPIC in accordance with Article 12 FADP. Private individuals were exempted from the reporting obligation when the revised Data Protection Act (FADP) came into force on
1 September 2023. 

Federal bodies must report their processing activities to the FDPIC in accordance with Article 12 FADP. In accordance with Article 56 FADP, the FDPIC publishes the notifications of the federal bodies in a publicly accessible register, the DataReg. The entries in the register are not a list of systems used. Rather, the entries are intended to show the activity associated with the processing of personal data (e.g. "keeping personnel files" instead of "personnel information management system").

Reports by federal bodies

The federal bodies register their processing activities directly in the reporting portal. The entries are immediately checked for completeness with regard to the legal requirements. Furthermore, federal bodies can manage and adapt their entries at any time. If you are a federal body and would like to obtain user access for recording and maintaining directory entries, please contact us using the contact form.

Access to the register

The register enables all interested parties to query and view entries made by those responsible in the reporting portal.

Last modification 23.07.2024

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