18.07.2023 - The factsheet is designed to provide a brief overview of the investigation. It summarises the in-depth interpretations of the FDPIC on Articles 49-53 FADP (see "Untersuchung von Verstössen gegen Datenschutzvorschriften durch den EDÖB").
Factsheet on FDPIC investigations of violations of data protection regulations
As the supervisory authority, the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) ensures that federal bodies and private persons comply with the Federal Act on Data Protection of 25 September 2020 (FADP) and other federal data protection regulations (see Art. 4 para. 1 FADP). Its supervisory activities include investigating violations of data protection regulations (see Art. 49 et seq. FADP) and where necessary, imposing administrative measures to enforce these regulations (see Art. 51 FADP).
Untersuchung von Verstössen gegen Datenschutzvorschriften durch den EDÖB (PDF, 360 kB, 14.11.2024)(English translation under way)
Last modification 23.07.2024